Sole Establishment vs. LLC – How to Choose the Right One for your Business?

26Jan, 22

    Sole Establishment vs. LLC – How to Choose the Right One for your Business?

    Choosing the correct business structure is one of the most important and distinctive financial decisions a business owner can make. When a company's ownership changes, its structure can have an impact on the security of personal assets, taxes, and the smooth operation of the company. The majority of enterprises in Dubai begin as sole proprietorships or limited liability companies (LLCs) (Limited Liability Company). Which one would be the best fit for your company? Let's take a closer look at the differences between a sole proprietorship and a Limited Liability Company, or LLC.

    Entrepreneurs in the UAE have a variety of alternatives when it comes to establishing a business. The decision between a sole proprietorship and a limited liability company (LLC) is an essential one. You could choose to establish your business in one of the many freezones, which offer 0% corporate and personal tax, 100% firm ownership, 100% repatriation of capital and earnings, no currency limits, and 100% import and export tax exemption.

    Alternatively, you might choose to open up shop on the mainland, which comes with a slew of advantages, including the ability to trade directly with the UAE's local market. It's true that launching a business on the mainland may appear to be more difficult than beginning one in a free zone at first appearance, but it doesn't have to be.

    Sole Establishment Company

    A sole proprietorship, also known as a sole created firm, allows a single business owner to own the whole company. Individuals and corporations alike can benefit from this company structure.

    For professionals looking to start a sole proprietorship in Dubai, the UAE has a lot to offer. Some of these include the ability to create a virtual address and the allotment of visa quotas. As a result, you'll save money on space rental and employee hiring. For example, you cannot utilize a sole proprietorship company license to engage in trading operations such as purchasing and selling goods. Sole proprietorship activities are primarily tied to the professional service industry. This is the greatest option for foreign entrepreneurs who want to establish a firm with 100 percent ownership with the help of a local service agent.

    The sole establishment business structure enables for one person to own the entire company. That single owner would be accountable for all of the company's profits and losses. This business structure is simple to start up and has a variety of investment options. The sole proprietorship form eliminates the need for complicated documents and allows the owner to obtain a trade license in his own name simply.

    Benefits and Drawbacks of Sole Proprietorship

    The main advantages of starting a business as a Sole Proprietorship are as follows:

    • There are no partners with whom to argue.
    • There is very little paperwork to do.
    • Tax deductions that may be available.
    • The UAE government provides visa allocation benefits.
    • Permission to use a virtual address rather than a physical storefront, resulting in lower operating costs.
    • It's simple to wind up.

    The disadvantages of forming a business as a Sole Proprietorship include the following.

    • There is no liability insurance.
    • Raising capital for a firm is difficult.
    • Difficulties in obtaining financing loans.
    • Market credibility is eroded.

    Read more :-Everything You need to know about Sole Proprietorship in Dubai

    Limited-Liability Corporation (LLC)

    The limited liability Company, or LLC, is one of the most popular business structures in the UAE. It can be formed by a group of people. Unlike a free zone firm, a mainland company's trade license in Dubai is issued by the economic department and has no restrictions on where it can trade in Dubai. Another advantage of an LLC is that it requires no minimum investment from the owners. Furthermore, there is no limit on the number of visas that can be used to hire staff. An LLC's shareholders are not accountable for the company's debts or financial claims. As a result, they are shielded from personal liability. Foreign business owners can own 100% of an LLC for several economic operations, including general commerce, according to recent modifications to the UAE CCL (Commercial Companies Law). Previously, setting up a business in Dubai required only a 49 percent stake.

    Benefit and Drawbacks of LLC

    The following are the primary advantages of forming a limited liability company (LLC).

    • Defend yourself against commercial indebtedness.
    • Physical assets and properties that is safe.
    • More money raised
    • In the event of an emergency, assistance is available.

    The following are the primary disadvantages of forming a Limited Liability Company

    • Legal paperwork is necessary.
    • Consensus-based decision-making.
    • There are no tax deductions.
    • The expense of completing a tax return.

    Limited liability Company vs. Sole Proprietorship

    The main advantage of an LLC over a sole proprietorship is that the liability of the owners is limited to the amount of money they have invested in the company. As a result, they are not personally liable for any of the company's debts. However, depending on the rules, a sole proprietor might be liable for the company's obligations, which is an important financial consideration. For many professionals and start-up businesses, however, it is a realistic choice. There are no liability protections for a sole proprietorship business. In particular, creditors might seize sole proprietor’s personal assets to pay off obligations, whereas an LLC firm can preserve your personal assets.

    Significant Consideration for Business Owner- Sole Proprietorship or Limited Liability Company (LLC).

    This type of inquiry can only have one answer: it depends. It depends on a variety of things, including the kind of your business, the sort of trade license you have, the extent of your operation, the number of employees you have, and so on. The most important point to remember is that the liabilities of an LLC are limited to your company investments, whereas the liabilities of a sole proprietorship are unrestricted, including your personal assets. If you're worried about financial risk, forming an LLC is a better solution. However, it is always a good idea to receive a free consultation from one of our company establishment consultants in Dubai, who are professionals at assisting you through the process.

    Which Business Strategy is Best?

    Both the sole proprietorship and the LLC firm have advantages and disadvantages. Use the information below to help you determine the best option for you.

    Efforts to start a business

    For its owner, the sole proprietorship structure provides a relatively simple and convenient setup. To establish your own firm, you'll need a few trade licenses from the local government and some startup capital. Setting up an LLC, on the other hand, can be a little more complicated because it entails some standard legal documentation. So, based on the kind of your business and the amount of effort you can put in, pick the one that best suits you.


    In a sole proprietorship, the single owner is accountable for the entire business's investment. He can invest as much as he wants because he is the sole decision-maker, but he cannot enlist the support of any other financial party. In limited liability businesses, however, numerous owners are present to invest and plan for the company's needs. They can even borrow money from outside parties because their company's name has been legally registered.

    Funds for the Business

    Every company's expansion necessitates timely funding. The finances necessary in the LLC company business form are often raised by all of the owners and investors involved. Furthermore, because they have better market credibility, they can raise financing from third-party financiers.

    Debt Liabilities

    In the event of a financial disaster, a solo entrepreneur is legally responsible for all of his debts. The proprietors of an LLC, on the other hand, are completely protected from commercial debts. In the event that their firm goes bankrupt, no one can touch their physical assets such as their home or property.

    Operational Expenses

    All of the owners and their investors handle the funds of a limited liability corporation. However, with a sole proprietorship, the entire and lone owner is accountable for both the capital investment and the operational expenses of the business. So, if you can afford the investment on your own, go with a single proprietorship and get the benefits on your own.

    Objectives to be Fulfilled

    If you're a solo entrepreneur, your company's long-term aims are limited to your personal ambitions. In an LLC, however, all of the owners have the authority to make changes to the future plans. So, if you have some financial goals in mind or have some future ambitions in mind, a sole proprietorship would be the best option for you.

    Documentation Requirements

    The documentation necessary for a sole establishment is minimal because there is just one proprietor and no physical storefront. The LLC, on the other hand, has several owners and debt protection clauses. As a result, this business structure necessitates standard legal documents such as the name of the registered company and trade permits.


    Both the sole establishment and LLC forms offer advantages depending on the available investment, physical storefront, eligibility restrictions, and the sort of business. If you want to keep all of your profits and be your own boss, a sole proprietorship is the best option. If you want to learn more about it or enjoy the benefits of a sole proprietorship vs. an LLC in UAE. Make contact with Dhanguard. We are here to help you with every aspect of your business establishment in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
