Avoid Fake Real Estate Brokers and Online Property Fraud in Dubai by reading this Blog!

12Jul, 23

    Avoid Fake Real Estate Brokers and Online Property Fraud in Dubai by reading this Blog!

    Dubai's booming real estate market is undoubtedly enticing, but it also presents opportunities for unscrupulous individuals to take advantage of unsuspecting property buyers and investors. Fake real estate brokers and online property fraud are growing concerns in the city. Like any other city, Dubai has its fair share of fraudulent real estate brokers. You must stay vigilant and take preventive steps to keep your investments safe. In this article, learn how recognizing the secret signs of fake brokers, verifying the authenticity of property agents, and transacting only with authorized professionals can safeguard your assets. As a trusted business consultancy firm in Dubai, Dhanguard is here to guide you through these essential steps.

    What to check for ensuring the authenticity of a Real Estate Broker in Dubai?

    Ensuring the authenticity of a real estate broker in Dubai is crucial to protect your investments and avoid potential scams or fraud. Here are the key steps and factors to check when verifying the authenticity of a real estate broker in Dubai:

    1. Real Estate Broker License: Every real estate broker in Dubai must be licensed by the Dubai Land Department (DLD). Here's what to do:

      1. Ask for the Broker's License Number: Request the real estate broker's license number. Legitimate brokers should be willing to provide this information.

      2. Check the DLD's Official Website: Visit the DLD's official website and use their online verification tool to check the license's authenticity. This tool allows you to verify the broker's license number, ensuring that it matches the broker's name and agency.

    2. Verify the Broker's Credentials: In addition to the license, you should verify other credentials and information about the broker:

      1. Check the Broker's Name: Ensure that the name on the broker's identification matches the name on the license.

      2. Look for Any Disciplinary Actions: Check if the broker or brokerage has any history of disciplinary actions or complaints filed against them with the DLD.

    3. Ask for References and Past Transactions:

      1. Request references from the broker. A reputable broker should be able to provide you with the names of previous clients who can vouch for their services.

      2. Inquire about the broker's past transactions and successes in the Dubai real estate market. This can give you an idea of their experience and track record.

    4. Research Online Reviews and Ratings:

      1. Look for online reviews and ratings of the broker or brokerage: Websites like Google Reviews, Yelp, and property-specific portals often have customer feedback that can help you assess their reputation.
    5. Visit Their Office:

    6. Visit the broker's physical office. A legitimate broker should have a professional office space. This visit can also help you gauge their professionalism and credibility.

    7. Check for Affiliation with Recognized Associations:

      1. Some reputable real estate brokers in Dubai may be affiliated with professional associations like the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA). While affiliation is not mandatory, it can be a positive sign of the broker's commitment to ethical practices.
    8. Review Contracts and Agreements Carefully:

      1. Read any contracts or agreements provided by the broker thoroughly. Ensure that all terms and conditions are transparent and fair. Be cautious of brokers who rush you into signing documents without proper explanations.
    9. Ask Questions and Clarify Doubts:

      1. Don't hesitate to ask the broker questions about the property, the transaction process, fees, and any other concerns you may have. Legitimate brokers should be transparent and willing to provide information.
    10. Consult a Legal Advisor:

      1. Consider consulting a legal advisor or a real estate attorney to review documents and provide guidance. Dhanguard can help ensure that your interests are protected throughout the transaction.
    11. Trust Your Instincts:

      1. If something feels wrong or if you have doubts about a broker's authenticity, consider seeking services elsewhere. Trust your instincts when making such important decisions.

    Following these steps and conducting thorough due diligence can significantly reduce the risk of dealing with an unauthentic or fraudulent real estate broker in Dubai and make informed decisions about your property investments.

    How to Recognize Online Real Estate Agent Fraud in Dubai?

    Below are a few tips you could follow to save yourselves from online property fraud in Dubai-

    A Property Inspection should always be insisted upon

    Only sign a contract after visiting the property and never consent to advance payments. The most accessible approach to be sure the listing is accurate is to see the home and speak to the realtor in Person.

    Do not click on Ads that have been displayed more than once

    One typical plot is for con artists to reproduce an existing (and valid) house listing for sale and repost it as a rental, along with their contact information. Beware of ads with the same description but a different asking price.

    Never provide Personal Information or Documents

    Only provide your bank account information and a copy of your personal identification documents online. It's important to note that you should never divulge your credit card verification code.

    Check the Person's identity before doing business with them

    Take measures to ensure the agent you work with is a licensed broker or agent. First, you can identify fraud by conducting a quick online search. The address of the property, the agent's name, and their email address can all be found by performing a search.

    Remember, if anything seems too good to be true, it generally is not

    If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is not, according to one of the most fundamental real estate principles. Any internet listings for desirable properties reasonably priced for the neighbourhood should raise suspicion. Con artists frequently use these meagre prices to seduce potential buyers

    Get in contact if you notice a Scam

    Ensure that reputable classifieds websites and well-known real estate firms advertise the properties you are looking at. Inform the platform right away if you find any indications of a scam on a real estate search website.


    Investing in Dubai's real estate market is a lucrative opportunity but comes with risks. Protecting yourself from fake real estate brokers and online property fraud is essential. For added peace of mind and expert guidance, trust Dhanguard, your reliable partner in the Dubai real estate landscape. We are committed to safeguarding your investments and ensuring your property transactions are secure and legitimate.
